Festival of Governance 2015
The first ever Festival of Governance was announced in 2015 as a deliberate move to re-brand governance. The festival allowed our team, associates, clients, partners and supporters to come together in a way where the whole was greater than the sum of the parts. The event built on work GGI had undertaken in 2014 for NHS England about creating a compelling narrative for engaging clinicians in good governance.
The festival created the unique opportunity for us to emphasise what good governance is and why it matters. It also allowed GGI to explain our governance mission to the broader community.
In 2015 the availability of funding for public services was being widely challenged. Good governance became crucial in the NHS and the wider public sector as boards and governing bodies needed to exert strong leadership and make difficult choices. The festival allowed our research and development work to meet with the practical day -day challenges we are in touch with from the many organisations we work with.
Attendees had the opportunity to hear from Professor Mervyn King, also known as “Madiba’s Judge.” Commissioned to lay out a template for good governance for Nelson Mandela, Professor King expertly spoke about the development of good governance and why it matters. The work developed by Professor Mervyn King and the King Commission has formed the basis of UN Human rights to clean water, air and arable land. In his Keynote address Professor King stated that, “In a world where 52 of the top 100 economies are not nation states, but are other kinds of organisations, such as companies and corporations, then what happens in the boardroom really matters to the human species.”
Guests were also invited to partake in workshops to build on skills including; Integration and governance between organisations, Innovation and introducing change, integrated reporting and core skills and tools for board members.
Winner of the Good Governance Award 2015
Professor Mervyn King was honoured by GGI with the Good Governance award for his outstanding contributions to corporate governance. He was also recognised for his advocacy for ESG and integrated reporting in South Africa and around the world.
Professor King helped to bolster confidence in South African industry and public services in the years that followed Apartheid. This allowed the creation of the King code of governance. Professor King has developed the code over the last 30 years and it is now recognised as the national standard. The code has also formed the basis of UN human rights to clean water, air and arable land.
Festival review
The Festival Review is the Good Governance Institute’s annual report on the world of good governance. This document pushes our collective creativity to the edge. It is a printed document that every year reviews the scope of good governance and its influence on everyday life.
The review is built by writers, artists, photographers, researchers, thought-leaders, designers, experts and editors to make for an impactful statement that can be both shared and treasured for generations to come.